
Our School Council was founded in 2005, with two children representing each class. Over the years we have made many important improvements to our school, for example the start of healthy schools, choosing and buying playground equipment and designing games to be painted on our playground. We meet once a month to discuss our next steps. Our meetings follow the formal structure, each having an agenda. We have a chair who controls the discussion, and a secretary who writes the minutes.
Many issues and important points about the school are discussed by the council who seek responses from the children and provide feedback to other members of the school community. It is a great privilege and responsibility to be part of our school council.
On Fridays we have a special assembly when we share children’s successes and the many positive contributions that they make to our school and the wider community. If your child has done something outside school that they are particularly proud of (achieved a swimming award, passed a music/dance exam, scored a goal in a football match) please do tell the school so we can celebrate their achievement in our assembly.
We want our children to be proud of their school and to feel a genuine sense of belonging. Visit our Class Pages to learn more about what is going on in our school.