Adult Support
Below is some information that you may find helpful to access at various times
for support.

Cost of living support
Increases in the cost of food, fuel, and utilities will affect most of us this year. If you find yourself worried about money, or you are struggling right now, you are not alone. The good news is that there is help available.
In this section, you will find the help you need, whether it's to get through a short-term crisis or to find more long-term support.
Please click here to access the Shropshire Council Cost of Living Help website.

Financial Support
Advice and support are available if you are struggling to 'make ends meet'.
Please click here to seek local support on the website.
A leaflet about local support is also available here.

Mental Health at Work
Able Futures - support for Mental health at Work. Visit the website to see the range of support provided by Able Futures:

Shropshire Larder
The Shropshire Larder is a community information resource, bringing together the support available in Shropshire for people on low incomes.
Take a look at their website for further information on the following:
- How to access emergency food
- Where to access low-cost or free food in Shropshire
- Advice on eating well on a budget
- Where to get local help with money issues
There are foodbanks throughout Shropshire that offer non-judgmental support for families who might be struggling.
Visit the website for further help and information: